Presidents Welcome

Welcome to Saint Lawrence's Parents and Friends Association.

Saint Lawrence's Parent and Friends Association is a friendly and energetic organisation of parents who work together to provide community, social, educational and fundraising activities from the school.

The start of school life is a huge milestone in the lives of our children. A whole new environment, new friends, new skills, and new fears become part of their everyday life. Creating a close school community is one of the roles of your P&F association. Every parent is a member of the P&F, and as parents at Saint Lawrence's, lifelong friendships are made, and you have a chance to be involved in creating opportunities and improvements for the school which in return benefits all of our children.

It's fine to just pay your fees – your children will still flourish and be rewarded with a fantastic education, but the satisfaction and personal fulfilment from stepping forward and being involved is so much more rewarding for both you and your child.

We encourage you to come along, listen, comment and be involved.

St Lawrence's Parents & Friends Association:

  • Works closely with the Principal to achieve common goals.

  • Provide a healthy forum for discussion.

  • Organise social events to build a school community that reflects Christian Values.

  • Organise fundraising events to attract additional financial resources to the school.

What to expect at our meetings:

  • A report from our Principal.

  • Report from the P&F School Advisory Council representative.

  • An opportunity for parents to raise items for discussion.

  • Decide on the type, number and timing of fundraising and social events to be held.

  • Agree on how to allocate P&F funds.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the P&F meetings to help make decisions and contribute any ideas they have.